Engineered Solutions

Baker Engineering performs research and development for industries that demand precision yet require innovation and performance. Baker’s successful client track records includes the U.S. Department of Defense.


Completed US Government contracts


Years of experience in government contracting


Portfolio projects successfully managed


Years in business specializing in engineering


Research & Development at the Nexus of Innovation and Precision

The Baker team can manage the development process from initial concept through detailed product design, analysis, prototype manufacturing, prototype assembly, and testing.

Though the Baker Engineering company has its roots in the development of engines and propulsion systems, their expertise extends from individual part design to other complex moving assemblies and systems.

Beyond just technical expertise, Baker Engineering has earned a reputation for delivering quality products on time and within budget.


Air Force SBIR – Enabling Technologies – Baker Micro CI Fuel Injection System

  • U.S. Air Force
Baker Engineering developed a compact common rail fuel system and demonstrated the system on several engines from 28 cc to 400 cc per combustion chamber.
Enabling Technologies Baker Case Study

Air Force Phase II SBIR – Enabling Technologies – Baker Light Weight Dry Sump System

  • U.S. Air Force
  • U.S. Army
  • U.S. Navy
To support the addition of an oil lubricated turbocharger and fuel pump drive on the Baker Heavy Fuel Rotary Engine, a compact, lightweight dry sump oil system was developed.

U.S. Army Phase II SBIR – Stryker – Opposed Piston APU

  • U.S. Army
Baker Engineering developed our single cylinder opposed piston engine into a complete APU package with integrated support systems in the front sponson of the Stryker vehicle.
Case study Baker

Your Long-Term Partner for Custom Engineering Solutions

The Baker Engineering team is dedicated to working long-term with our partners and customers. Multiple in-house capabilities for control over cost, schedule, and quality mean that projects can be managed on time and on budget, leading to the ability to forecast long-term engineering roadmaps.

Baker’s dedicated project teams offer an innovative approach to solving precision engineering challenges, with “hands-on” engineers who follow a project from concept to testing. The Baker Engineering team is here to offer six decades of experience to solve your company’s objectives. 

Connect With an Engineer

Whether you have a government or private project, connecting with an experienced Baker engineer is an excellent way to ensure that your technical requirements are understood.

Reach out to us, and we will set a meeting between your team and one of our qualified engineers, who can answer your questions.

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